Category: Video/Webinar
Kitchen Table Night – Online Event
Join us for an online story sharing circle on November 25th with the Common Language Digital Storytelling Collective. We will be viewing and discussing stories from the Young Adult Cannabis Harm Reduction digital storytelling project – featuring appearances by storytellers from Alberta. You can register here:
Roll With It – Online event
Join us for a screening to launch our cannabis harm reduction digital stories series November 6th. We will be screening nine digital stories created by young adults, for young adults and three PSAs from the Get Sensible! project. You can register here:
Drug Prevention 101 Webinar
Here’s a webinar recording of the talk I did for my friends at Moms Stop the Harm, for their Holding Hope Connects series. There are so many assumptions and myths when it comes to what might help prevent teens from using drugs, so it’s important to have a really critical look at the evidence. This…
CCIC Video Presentation: Qualitative Cannabis Research
My talk and slides from the 2019 CCIC Meeting are available here. My presentation addressed the need to use rigorous qualitative research methods as a strategy to ensure that we hear from people who use cannabis, especially youth and those who may be perceived as most ‘at-risk’ for negative outcomes that may be associated with…
Drug Reporter Interview: October 5
Along with many other of my Canadian colleagues, I make a brief appearance in an interview with Peter Sarosi from Drug Reporter, shot on location at the Stimulus harm reduction conference in Edmonton, October 3-5. Based in Hungary, Drug Reporter is part of the Rights Reporter Foundation and “promotes a drug policy respecting human rights…
CCIC Video Presentation: Cannabis Legalization and Youth
The Canadian Consortium for the Investigation of Cannabinoids has now posted videos of many of the talks from their annual meeting this past April in Toronto on their education platform website:Â There were so many great speakers spanning the domains of basic science, medical use, regulation and public health. I really enjoyed my first time…